Grand Oaks Bethlehem HOA News

2023 Annual HOA Meeting Minutes
The 2023 Grand Oaks Bethlehem HOA meeting was held on Tuesday, April 4th, 2023. HOA Board Member Present: James Maney - President Will Gazaway - Vice President Rich Reed - Treasurer Margaret Turner - Member at Large 23 total voting members present - Quorum was not met, so nothing could be voted on. A survey will be sent out via HOA Website communication to take a digital vote for any projects. The meeting began at 6:00 pm. James explained the updates on the current lawsuit filed against the HOA for the water drainage. No updates from the lawyer. The case is being handled by our lawyer, who charges $400 per hour of work, which works out to about $40 per email. The HOA Board believes it best to let them contact us with updates and not senselessly waste money asking for updates. More to come... Rich explained the budget is currently being built and will be published on the HOA Website by the end of the "fiscal" year (ending September 30th, 2023) but hopefully sooner. A member asked what the HOA Dues cover and Rich explained that the dues cover the entrance weed and grass cutting, street light power, community insurance, retention pond yearly maintenance, and lawyer fees. All items will be itemized in the published budget. We do need to keep the recommended minimum balance of $20,000 in the bank account. The Board then proposed a covering be constructed over the mailbox kiosk. The proposed plan is a four-post covering that matches the entrance sign with stacked stone and power to install security lights. We did not have enough voting members present to vote, so a survey will be sent out to each member. Please note, per the HOA Declarations, each house has one voting right and is not per member. We need a minimum of 32 votes for anything to pass. Other issues that were brought up by members is the enforcement of violations. James expressed that we fill its best to have a conversation with homeowners before just sending out fines. If the problems still remain, then fines will be issued. There is a system in place to track these types of situations, but it starts with the individual homeowner being neighborly and speaking with the individual they have a problem or concern. If the situation cannot be resolved neighborly, then the homeowner should use the "contact us" form on the website to address their concerns with the HOA Board. From there we start the paper trail that will let us have a conversation and then issue citations as needed. The retention ponds that have damage have been addressed. James or Rich will cut down the trees, and Martin-Robinson will repair the fences. A member also brought it to the Boards attention the gates are not locked. Rich will purchase locks from the general account to secure the gates. Rich and James will have the keys to these locks. A member also asked if the Board could create committees to help with tasks and responsibilities. This item will also be added to the survey to have the community vote on what committees should be created and who will be on them. There was also a concern about dangerous wildlife in the back of the neighborhood. Rich will call Department of Natural Resources to see if they are able to help. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Posted on:Apr 07th, 2023